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Day 78 | NOVEMBER 27, 2021

Good Evening friends today is day 78 of our new and amazing life!

Today I had a very early start , baby Julien decided that he was going to wake up for his day at 5am , well it was actually so good to wake up and hold my baby boy in my arms, make my way downstairs with him , while it was dark and the house was so quiet since everyone also was asleep, that alone time with my sweet boy was priceless, and around 6:45a London decided to join us , and we watched the Grinch, It was a good reminder on how everything that Charlie and I are fighting for is worth every single tear, sweat and blood, our boys are our purpose in this life ! They, without knowing, helped to save Charlie’s life! She refused to die so she can be with our boys!

When I arrived at the hospital Charlie was just finishing her wound care and she was sleeping, some times are more painful than others, so she was able to rest for a good bit.

Today our visit was less communicative, since Charlie was very sleepy. I love when we can chat for hours, but I also like when she is actually sleeping, because that allows her to heal .

So, today our visit was just me sitting and looking at my beautiful wife, and just visualizing the day she will come home .

Yet, thankful to have Charlie here with us.

May God Bless You.


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