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Day 230 | APRIL 28, 2022

Good evening, Friends, today is day 230 of our new and amazing life!

Today we had a good day.

Charlie called as usual in the morning and got to see both boys during breakfast, baby Julien has the cutest tan lines, they are spending a good amount of time outside now that it is getting warmer, and London is always so happy to see mommy.

Very busy day ordering every item for the bathroom to ensure they would arrive in time. I selected the vendor for the transfer lift and ramp for Charlie wheelchair access, lots of big decisions being made, each day that goes by, Charlie’s return to home becomes more real.

I made my way to see her this afternoon. When I arrived, Charlie was coming downstairs, we went outside and it was so nice. We sat on a bench right in the sun, and it felt so good to feel the gentle warmth of the sun.

Charlie shared with me her progress from today’s PT and OT sessions, we chatted about the boys, about how Charlie now has decided that earrings are going to be her way to express her style , she also told me that she is planning to get a new wardrobe, since most of her clothes are too big on her now, and she said she wants to wear clothes that reflects how she is feeling inside each day, she said that her clothes will help her in becoming more confident with herself, she is starting to learn about her new body, and she is having a very positive outlook about it, each days that goes by, Charlie continues to inspire me with her positive outlook.

We also talked about her mobility challenges, Charlie mentioned that her RA is a huge obstacle to overcome in addition to her burns, in a way she has a double uphill battle, Charlie is determined that she will walk again, but she also knows that is not going to be an easy journey towards her mobility.

What inspires me the most about Charlie, is her ability to overcome pain and the strength to remain positive when faced with very difficult if not impossible challenges. I am so blessed to be by her side.

Today we also looked at the first samples of our book cover, to say that we are excited about it, it is an understatement.

Today our visit felt so “normal”, we truly enjoyed each other’s company and the time outside was so precious, truly time slows down when I am with Charlie.

Yep, Charlie did turn her chair almost upside down and enjoyed the sun 🙂

May God Bless You.

Sorry for the late post, I just couldn’t leave Charlie anytime sooner.

Have a good night.


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