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Day 220 | APRIL 18, 2022

Good evening, Friends, today is day 220 of our new and amazing life!

Today was a mixed day of emotions.

I had an incredibly productive day, I spent almost 3 hours with our book editor and it was great to see the hard work starting to pay off!

I am so excited to share this incredible book with you once ready, Charlie and I have been working a lot by turning my journals into an actual book with a storyline, stay tuned!

Sooner than you think we will start a pre-sale, one more reason to sign up to the blog!

Charlie called in the morning as usual and right before lunch.

On our second call, Charlie was a little bummed that her hair appointment, yes!

Charlie had arranged with her hair stylist to come over and do a true pixie style haircut and color today, but sadly due to the weather, it had to be canceled!! She was so sad 😞

I asked her what could I do to make her feel better? Since she was really looking forward to this hair appointment.

When asked she said that a Starbucks coffee would help her feel better, so on my way to her I stopped by Starbucks and order her a vanilla latte and on my account a birthday cake pop, and I also had a bouquet of flowers to cheer her up 🙂 , she did loved the coffee and the extra surprises .

We had a good conversation today, Charlie started by telling me that some of her wounds, in particular the ones on her butt, are showing signs of infection! Yep!

The terror of my existence in the ICU is back to terrorize us again, but this time we are less scared and confident that the antibiotics will control the infection on her wounds, and to be clear it is just in 2 open spots, not in all open wounds.

This is concerning because the possibility of her having to return to VCU to repair her skin grafts is more real now than before the possible infection.

We are still waiting on the tests to confirm what kind of infection, but as usual they have started the broad-spectrum antibiotics.

We continued our conversation and Charlie shared with me, how the last couple days she is feeling a little disbelief that this is her new life, it is not easy to understand how difficult it is, to know that your new life, is not something that your planned for, yes, we are grateful for, but sometimes our minds do wonder what if, and we know we can’t change the past, but is part of the grieving that we have yet to fully start to experience.

We went deep, we talked about the accident, the feelings that Charlie has towards it, the sorrow of her lost mobility, and the miracle of her survival. The constant unknown is something that keeps us thinking about the past, and also about the future.

We both shared our feelings of the last few days and we validated each other’s feelings.

It is comforting to have each other confined, and by doing so, we become stronger by being vulnerable with each other, our Love continues to evolve and now we share this incredible bond forged by fire.

We also talked about how far she has come, and to look back to where she started is breathtaking, because it is nothing but a miracle how much she has progressed.

After this heartfelt conversation, we just looked at each other with tears in our eyes and said, yet we remain thankful to God.

Today was a blessed day, full of emotions and gratitude.

I kindly ask for your prayers, for this possible infection to go away.

Thank you for your prayers and support.


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