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Day 189 | MARCH 18, 2022

Good evening, Friends, today is day 189 of our amazing and new life!

Today was a good and unusual day.

I started my days as normal, had breakfast with the boys, Charlie video call as usual and London went to school and I head into my office.

The unusual part of the day, was that I did not go to see Charlie, since her family was visiting, I could not go, due to the limit on the number of visitors per day, I will be back to see her in Sunday, we shall see how much she will miss me 🙂

So instead, I picked up London at School, took him to Chick-fil A and for a haircut! We had a very fun day!

And the end it in a high note, we set up our hydroponic garden, we planted lettuce and tomatoes, London was so excited.

Charlie called us around lunch time and told me that she had a good day so far, and her family visit was going well. That is all the update I have for today.

Thank you for your continued love and support!

Have a good night!


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