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Day 365 | SEPTEMBER 10, 2022

Good evening, Friends. Today is day 365 of our new and grateful life!

It is hard to believe that we have arrived at the first anniversary of the accident that changed our lives!

Today I was up early; I wanted to have a few minutes alone before the boys woke up to give myself 15 to 20 minutes of “what if” thoughts.

I knew they would be coming into my mind today, so I wanted to get it out of the way; yes, there are so many small decisions that, if we could change, would have avoided this accident, but guess what, no one can change the past, so after the negative session, I refocus on the present, and I have so much to be grateful for!

I was so grateful to have a beautiful family to make delicious pancakes for this morning.

We were so grateful to have the opportunity to get ready for a fun event and a unique opportunity to give thanks.

I was so grateful for the dozens of people who came to us at the fair and said hello and talked about the book.

I am so grateful to have Charlie alive and by my side today.

I am so grateful for Charlie’s first public speech; she did terrifically.

I am so grateful that our boys have their mom to love and comfort them.

I am grateful to our friends who showed up today to support us at the fair.

I am so grateful to the Orange County Chamber of Commerce for allowing us to recognize her rescuers in public.

I am so grateful for every single person participating in Charlie’s rescue, hospital stay, and rehab; you are a massive part of why Charlie is here with us today.

I am so grateful for the opportunity to write; I would never imagine that I would be writing a journal every single day for an entire year; I have written around 191,000 words to date ( not including the book); on average, I write for about 25 minutes, so I have spent 152 hours writing, and I am living proof that you can get better by practicing anything you put your mind into it.

I am grateful for your incredible support, prayers, and donations; you have significantly impacted Charlie’s recovery.

I am so grateful to God; my faith has been my rock during the most challenging moments of my life!

I am so grateful to my family for being beyond helpful.

I could write 500 other things I am grateful for ( I have them written down).

Today we chose to be grateful! It made this day less difficult.

Tonight, I will thank God in my prayers for his miracle and think about how blessed we are to have been given the gift of Charlie’s life!

Have a good night, and May God bless You!


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